A meeting of Pravasi Karyakarta & Pradhanacharya has been conducted on 21st April, 2024 at Hari Radha Vidya Mandir, Teliamura premise. The meeting was inaugurated by Subhas Ganchaudhuri, Secretary, VBSST, followed by the Deep Prajjwalan. The meeting was hosted by the State Coordinator, Nilmoni Chakraborty.
The following decisions have been taken during the meeting:
1. Pravasi karyakarta will submit their upcoming monthly pravas yojana in the whatsapp group of “Pravasi Karyakarta” on or before the last day of every month.
2. Night Stay pravas is necessary for fruitful pravas.
3. Every school will select one Acharya as School Vikas Yatra Pramukh and submit his/ her name, mobile number & email id to Pranta Office.
4. Sri Subir Chakraborty, Joint Secretary, Vidya Bharati Shiksha samity Tripura has been nominated as Prantiya Vikas Yatra Pramukh. He will communicate with the School Vikas Yatra Pramukh and assist them in preparing the School Vikas Yatra. Also, he will compile the documents of School Vikas Yatra in order to prepare the Prantiya Vikas Yatra documents.
5. Every school will complete the process of preparing School Vikas Yatra within 17th May & present it at the Annual General Body Meeting scheduled on 19th May, 2024.
6. The next Pravasi Karyakarta & Pradhanacharya Baithak will be organised during Acharya Prashiksha Varga on 17th May.
7. Pradhanacharya will prepare the Annual Plan and Annual Budget of his/her respective school and will submit the document during Pravasi Karyakarya & Pradhanacharya Baithak.
8. Pradhanacharya will follow up the Shishu Vatika personally for its all-round development.
9. A Prantiya Nirikshak will be appointed.
10. Personality of a Pradhanacharya should be developed and he she should keep in mind the following points, Teaching Learning, Parikshan, Prabandhan & Prashikshan.
11. Teaching of Adharbhut Vishay will be included in schools for Panchakoshatmak Vikas.
The following Karyakartas, attended the meeting :
1. Subhas Ganchaudhuri, Secretary, VBSST
2. Nilmoni Chakraborty, State Coordinator, VBSST
3. Subir Chakraborty, Joint Secretary, VBSST
4. Prof. Milan Rani Jamatia, EC Member, VBSST
5. Dr. Poonam Mukherjee, Prantiya Saha Prashikshan Pramukh & EC Member, VBSST
6. Vinanjay Reang, Prantiya Khelkud & Sharirik Pramukh, VBSST & Secretary, Tripura Janajati Shiksha Samiti
7. Sanjit Kumar Ghosh, Pradhnacharya, TVM, Gandhigram & EC Member, VBSST
8. Ujjal Das, Pradhanacharya, TVM, Kalam Chawra
9. Bimal Bhattacharya, Upa Pradhanacharya,TVM, Kalam Cawra
10. Basudeb Sinha, Pradhanacharya, Vivekananda Shishu Niketan, Anandanagar
11. Sangita Dutta Chaudhuri, Shishu Vatika Pramukh, VBSST
12. Rupa Banik, Shishu Vatika Saha Pramukh, VBSST
13. Shikha Debnath, Acharya, TSM, Dharmangar
14. Priyatosh Pal, Project Coordinator, HRVM, Teliamura
15. Sudip Jamatia, Pradhanacharya, HRVM, Teliamura
16. Motomti Jamatia, Acharya, HRVM, Teliamura.
The meeting was concluded with the chanting of Kalyan Mantra.